You Ghosted Your Therapist... Now What?
Paige Sparkman Paige Sparkman

You Ghosted Your Therapist... Now What?

So, you took a break (even if it was an unintentional, extended one) from therapy—no big deal! Life happens, and guess what? Most therapists totally understand. 💛

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What does it mean to be anti-diet?

What does it mean to be anti-diet?

What is Anti-Diet? It’s a movement that promotes overall well-being rather than size reduction. It’s a statement that people deserve to exist and don’t have to engage in weight-loss attempts to earn respect. The movement targets the diet industry and culture at large — not you! And science backs the theories behind the movement.

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5 Ways to Connect to Your Body Right Now
Paige Sparkman Paige Sparkman

5 Ways to Connect to Your Body Right Now

5 Ways to Connect with your Body. Helpful tips when struggling with body image, self-confidence, disordered eating, and anxiety.

Your body is not something to be fixed, it is something to be respected!

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